Offering the Best Dental Services to Franklin, TN, Patients

Whether you need your teeth cleaned, filled, replaced, or whitened, we provide the services you need. With our dental services, Franklin, TN, patients enjoy improved oral health. Some of the procedures we provide include:

Lady Getting Her Dental Check Up Done At A Dental Office

Dental Cleanings

Dental cleanings involve removing a sticky bacterial film called plaque from your teeth before it hardens into tartar. This procedure should be a regular part of your health care routine. Such checkups help maintain your dental hygiene, detect problems early on, and prevent the need for more extensive and expensive treatments.

Usually, cleanings are done twice a year, but you may need more visits if you have teeth or gum problems. We strongly discourage skipping these cleanings since your dental health affects many aspects of your overall wellness.

Dental Implants

When you have lost one or more teeth and want a more permanent alternative to dentures; dental implants may be the solution for you. This procedure involves replacing each missing tooth with a permanent artificial tooth. Implants are permanent and are the best functioning and natural looking replacement for a lost tooth.

There are two types of implants. The first is endosteal, where the implant goes into your jawbone. The other is subperiosteal, where the implant is attached on top of your jawbone. Our implant specialist will determine which is the best option for you. We will only suggest implants if they’re the best option available.

Dental Implant

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps attached to your teeth to cover the outside part that’s visible when you smile. A variation of these is partial crowns or porcelain onlays, which only cover part of your teeth. In either case, they can be temporary or permanent. Also, they’re made from various materials, including:

  • Ceramic
  • Porcelain
  • Resin
  • Porcelain-Fused Metal
  • Stainless Steel

We’ll gladly discuss which type is best for you during your appointment.

Reasons for Getting Crowns:

  • Weak, Broken, or Worn Teeth
  • Teeth With Large Fillings
  • Discolored or Deformed Teeth
  • Part of a Dental Implant
  • Holding a Dental Bridge
  • Extremely Decayed Baby Teeth in Children
Tooth Fillings

Dental Fillings

When your teeth have cavities, surface damages, or fractures, you need dental fillings. A filling can also help alleviate tooth sensitivity caused by the gradual loss of dental enamel.

The filling material is made of tooth-colored composite material. Since each one has some positives and negatives depending on your dental health, we will recommend the best option for your circumstances.

The filling material can be made of porcelain, composite material, or silver amalgam. Since each one has some positives and negatives depending on your dental health, we will recommend the best option for your circumstances.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are made of porcelain or composite materials and are attached to the surface of your teeth. They’re designed to look like natural teeth, so no one will know you have veneers. These shells are often used as a form of cosmetic dentistry or restorative dental care.

Some types of veneers require little or no preparation, while others involve removing some of your natural teeth. We’ll guide you on which type is best for your teeth.

Dental Bridges

We use a dental bridge to treat a missing tooth. A fixed bridge holds an artificial tooth in the gap, giving the appearance of a complete set of healthy teeth.

There are different types of bridges available. With conventional and cantilever bridges, we’ll cover your teeth on either side of the gap with crowns, to which we will attach to the artificial tooth. If you don’t want a lot of work done on your surrounding teeth, resin-bonded bridges are a great alternative. The type of bridge you will need depends on your specific diagnosis.

Having bridgework done can prevent various dental problems, including:

  • The Rest of Your Teeth Moving
  • Your Bite Changing
  • Speech Impediments
  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
  • Tooth Decay
  • Gum Disease
Teeth Bridging

Full-Mouth Reconstruction

The actual work done during this procedure varies depending on your specific problems and needs. Since all your teeth have to be restored or rebuilt, the process is generally performed in stages over a period of time. Depending on your situation, you may need the following:

  • Teeth Cleaning and Gum Care
  • Gum Tissue Contouring
  • Temporary or Permanent Restorations (i.e., Crowns, Veneers, Braces, Implants, etc.)
  • Orthognathic Surgery for Jaw Problems

Fluoride Treatments

Typically, children require fluoride treatments as they transition from primary to permanent teeth. However, adults may also undergo this procedure if they’re experiencing tooth decay, gum disease, dry mouth, or cavities.

During the treatment, we’ll apply fluoride varnish, foam, or gel to your teeth. If the varnish is used, it will be painted directly onto your teeth. For the foam, it will be placed on a mouth guard on which you will bite down. As for fluoride gels, they can be applied in either of those ways. In addition, we will prescribe fluoride supplements for you to take if needed.

Dental Bonding

When you want an option that is simpler, faster, and a more affordable alternative to veneers and doesn’t require anesthesia; we encourage you to try dental bonding. In this procedure, we will scrape the surface of your tooth then prepare it using a conditioning material. Next, we’ll apply a composite resin material to the damaged part of your tooth. Then, we’ll mold it to perfect the fit before using a UV light or laser to set it. Finally, we’ll shape and polish the tooth to match the look of your other teeth.

Dental bonding is easier than veneers because there’s less preparation involved. Also, veneers require more than one visit, whereas bonds can be done in one session. However, please note that bonds aren’t suitable for every situation. In addition, they aren’t as strong as your other teeth. You can easily chip them, and they may need to be repaired every few years.

Dental Pain Relief

If you’re experiencing severe dental pain or the pain doesn’t subside after taking painkillers and mouth-numbing agents for a few days, please visit our clinic. Our team will diagnose the cause of your toothache, especially if it’s accompanied by other symptoms, such as earache or fever.

We’ll assess your condition and work with you to find the right solution. Treatment options range from using a specialty toothpaste to having a root canal. We use advanced dental technologies to treat many dental problems so a root canal is no longer the long, uncomfortable procedure it was in years past.

Dental Whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that can restore your bright smile. Before you have this treatment, we’ll conduct a dental exam to check the state of your teeth. If we don’t encounter any problems, we’ll proceed with the treatment by using a hydrogen peroxide bleaching solution to whiten all areas of discoloration. We also offer whitening kits if you prefer to work on your teeth in the comfort of your home.

Dental Whitening Is Safe

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry says that teeth whitening isn’t damaging in any way. Although some people may feel sensitivity after the procedure, it doesn’t become a permanent problem, except in rare cases.

However, there are some safety considerations with teeth whitening. First, you shouldn’t overuse whitening products, especially if they contain hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide, and urea. Second, whitening can interfere with crowns and other dental restorations. Please consult with our team to receive advice from our experts on the correct and safe way to use these products.